Rastislav (Rasťo) Šrámek

Photo by Anton Stefanek This is my personal webpage dedicated to (mostly past) research and personal projects.

I work at Google, where I am the technical lead of the open source plus codes project [yt video]. The goal of the project is to extend postal addresses and associated civic, social, and economic benefits to the world that cannot presently benefit from them. Previously I worked at ETH Zurich under Peter Widmayer, where I received a doctorate for work on robustness in combinatorial optimization.

I have a wife and two children (SMBC). My more complete CV can be found here.

Please do not ask me to peer review journal and conference articles unless there is an exceptional match.

Research interests

Last years I have worked on understanding addressing, postal operations, and economy in developing countries. My previous research interests include complexity with regard to solution stability and robustness, in particular I'm interested in counting of combinatorial objects. In the past I've also worked on protein quantification in computational biology and memory complexity of Hidden Markov Model decoding.


Informatik 1 for MAVTH assistant (FS08, FS09), Discrete Mathematics assistant (HS08), Algorithms and Data Structures assistant (FS10), Algorithms Lab (HS09, HS10, HS11, HS12, HS13). I also co-organized a number of programming competitions in the past.

I prefer to spend my time hiking, ski touring, kayaking, making and playing guitars. I also photograph a lot; some of my photos can be found on my photoblog and photo gallery.